

Solana Synq enables you to deploy and connect your AI agents directly to X (formerly Twitter), allowing them to interact with the world in real-time. Whether you want your agent to analyze trends, post automated updates, or engage with followers, xConnect makes it seamless to put your AI in motion.

This guide explains how to set up and connect your AI agents to X using Solana Synq.

What is xConnect?

xConnect is an integration layer within the solSynq framework that enables AI agents to:

Post Updates: Share results, insights, or performance metrics directly on X.

Engage in Conversations: Reply to mentions, hashtags, or specific accounts using AI-powered logic.

Analyze Trends: Use sentiment analysis and data visualization tools to make decisions based on live X data.

Automate Interactions: Like, retweet, or follow accounts based on predefined workflows.

Getting Started with xConnect

Step 1: Obtain X API Access

Create a Developer Account:

Go to X Developer Portal and sign up for a developer account.

Create a Project and App:

Once your account is approved, create a project and app in the developer portal.

Obtain your API Key, API Key Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret.

Set Permissions:

Ensure your app has the necessary permissions to read and write data on X.

Step 2: Install the Required Frameworks

Ensure you have the solsynapse framework installed.


bashCopy codepip install solSynq tweepy


bashCopy codenpm install solSynq twitter-api-v2

Step 3: Configure Your AI Agent for X

Add your X API credentials to your project:

Python Example: Configuration

pythonCopy codeimport os

from solSynq import SynqClient

# Load Synq Client

client = SynqClient(api_key="your_sol_Synq_api_key")

# X API credentials


"api_key": "your_x_api_key",

"api_key_secret": "your_x_api_key_secret",

"access_token": "your_access_token",

"access_token_secret": "your_access_token_secret",


# Initialize xConnect

x_agent = client.xconnect(X_CONFIG)

JavaScript Example: Configuration

javascriptCopy codeconst { SynqClient } = require('solSynq');

const client = new SynqClient({ apiKey: 'your_sol_Synq_api_key' });

// X API credentials

const X_CONFIG = {

apiKey: 'your_x_api_key',

apiSecretKey: 'your_x_api_key_secret',

accessToken: 'your_access_token',

accessSecret: 'your_access_token_secret',


// Initialize xConnect

const xAgent = client.xConnect(X_CONFIG);

Example Workflows with xConnect

1. Post Updates Automatically


pythonCopy code# Example: Post a trading update

def post_trade_update(trade_result):




# Simulate a trade and post update

trade_result = {"details": "SOL/USDT long position", "profit": 1.25}



javascriptCopy code// Example: Post a trading update

const postTradeUpdate = (tradeResult) => {

const message = `🚀 Trade executed: ${tradeResult.details}\nProfit: ${tradeResult.profit} SOL #CreatedWithSynapse`;



// Simulate a trade and post update

const tradeResult = { details: 'SOL/USDT long position', profit: 1.25 };


2. Analyze Trends and Automate Responses


pythonCopy code# Fetch trending topics

trends = x_agent.fetch_trends(location="worldwide")

print("Trending Topics:", trends)

# Respond to mentions

def respond_to_mentions():

mentions = x_agent.fetch_mentions()

for mention in mentions:

response = f"Thanks for mentioning us, @{mention['user']}! 🚀 Let's build together. #CreatedWithSynapse"

x_agent.reply(response, mention['id'])



javascriptCopy code// Fetch trending topics

xAgent.fetchTrends('worldwide').then((trends) => {

console.log('Trending Topics:', trends);


// Respond to mentions

const respondToMentions = async () => {

const mentions = await xAgent.fetchMentions();

mentions.forEach((mention) => {

const response = `Thanks for mentioning us, @${mention.user}! 🚀 Let's build together. #CreatedWithSynapse`;

xAgent.reply(response, mention.id);




3. Automate Engagement


pythonCopy code# Like and retweet posts with specific hashtags

def engage_with_hashtag(hashtag):

posts = x_agent.search_hashtag(hashtag)

for post in posts:





javascriptCopy code// Like and retweet posts with specific hashtags

const engageWithHashtag = async (hashtag) => {

const posts = await xAgent.searchHashtag(hashtag);

posts.forEach((post) => {






Best Practices

Stay Within X’s API Limits: Ensure your app doesn’t exceed X’s API rate limits to avoid disruptions.

Monitor Activity: Keep track of your AI agent’s actions to ensure it aligns with your project goals.

Use Responsible Automation: Avoid spamming or overly frequent interactions that could violate X’s terms of service.

Secure Your Credentials: Use environment variables to store your API keys securely.

Launch Your AI Agent on X

Put your AI agents in motion today by leveraging xConnect to automate posts, analyze trends, and engage with the X community. For more information and support, visit solSynq.xyz or reach out on X.