

One of the most powerful features of Solana Synq is its ability to connect AI agents directly to the Solana blockchain. Your agents can interact with smart contracts, fetch on-chain data, execute transactions, and analyze real-time blockchain activity, enabling intelligent, automated workflows tailored to decentralized applications (dApps).

This page will guide you through configuring and utilizing Solana Synq for blockchain interactions.


AI agents powered by Solana Synq can:

Read On-Chain Data:
Fetch data such as account balances, transaction details, and token metadata.

Execute Transactions:
Send SOL, interact with smart contracts, and sign transactions programmatically.

Monitor Events:
Listen to blockchain events for triggers, such as account changes or program activity.

Analyze Blockchain Data:
Use pre-trained models to identify trends, anomalies, or insights from Solana data.

Getting Started

Step 1: Configure Your Agent

Ensure you have the Solana environment and private keys configured.

Install Required Packages

bashCopy codepip install solSynq solana

# or

npm install solSynq @solana/web3.js

Set Up Solana Environment Variables
Store your private key securely. You can use environment variables to prevent exposing sensitive data.

Example: .env file

makefileCopy codeSOLANA_PRIVATE_KEY=your_private_key


Step 2: Initialize the Solana Client

Python Example: Initialization

pythonCopy codeimport os

from solsynapse import SynqClient

# Load Synapse Client

client = SynapseClient(api_key="your_sol_Synq_api_key")

# Configure Solana Connection

solana_client = client.connect_solana(




JavaScript Example: Initialization

javascriptCopy codeconst { SynapseClient } = require('solSynq');

const client = new SynapseClient({ apiKey: 'your_sol_Synq_api_key' });

// Configure Solana Connection

const solanaClient = client.connectSolana({

privateKey: process.env.SOLANA_PRIVATE_KEY,

cluster: process.env.SOLANA_CLUSTER,


Reading Blockchain Data

Fetch on-chain data such as account balances or token metadata.

Python Example: Fetching Account Balance

pythonCopy code# Fetch account balance

balance = solana_client.get_balance("your_solana_public_key")

print(f"Account Balance: {balance} SOL")

JavaScript Example: Fetching Account Balance

javascriptCopy code// Fetch account balance


.then((balance) => console.log(`Account Balance: ${balance} SOL`))

.catch((err) => console.error(err));

Executing Transactions

AI agents can send SOL, sign transactions, or call smart contracts.

Python Example: Sending SOL

pythonCopy code# Send SOL

transaction = solana_client.send_sol(


amount=0.5 # Amount in SOL


print(f"Transaction Hash: {transaction}")

JavaScript Example: Sending SOL

javascriptCopy code// Send SOL

solanaClient.sendSOL('recipient_public_key', 0.5)

.then((transaction) => console.log(`Transaction Hash: ${transaction}`))

.catch((err) => console.error(err));

Interacting with Smart Contracts

Call smart contract methods to execute custom logic.

Python Example: Calling a Smart Contract

pythonCopy code# Interact with a smart contract

response = solana_client.call_contract(



params={"param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"}


print("Contract Response:", response)

JavaScript Example: Calling a Smart Contract

javascriptCopy code// Interact with a smart contract

solanaClient.callContract('smart_contract_program_id', 'your_method_name', {

param1: 'value1',

param2: 'value2',


.then((response) => console.log('Contract Response:', response))

.catch((err) => console.error(err));

Monitoring Blockchain Events

Set up listeners for real-time blockchain activity.

Python Example: Event Monitoring

pythonCopy code# Listen for account changes

def on_account_change(data):

print("Account Change Detected:", data)

solana_client.listen_account("your_solana_public_key", on_account_change)

JavaScript Example: Event Monitoring

javascriptCopy code// Listen for account changes

solanaClient.listenAccount('your_solana_public_key', (data) => {

console.log('Account Change Detected:', data);


Analyzing Blockchain Data

Use pre-trained AI models to analyze on-chain data.

Python Example: Sentiment Analysis

pythonCopy code# Analyze sentiment from transaction messages

transactions = solana_client.get_recent_transactions("your_solana_public_key")

sentiment = client.analyze_sentiment(transactions)

print("Transaction Sentiment:", sentiment)

JavaScript Example: Sentiment Analysis

javascriptCopy code// Analyze sentiment from transaction messages


.then((transactions) => client.analyzeSentiment(transactions))

.then((sentiment) => console.log('Transaction Sentiment:', sentiment))

.catch((err) => console.error(err));

Best Practices

Use Secure Credentials: Always store your private key securely and avoid hardcoding sensitive data.

Monitor Resource Usage: Ensure your AI agents operate efficiently to avoid exceeding Solana RPC rate limits.

Handle Errors Gracefully: Implement error-handling for network or blockchain-related issues.

Stay Updated: Follow Solana's updates and maintain compatibility with the latest changes to the blockchain.

Get Started

Empower your AI agents to interact with the Solana blockchain by integrating Solana Synapse. Start building intelligent workflows, automated dApps, and innovative blockchain solutions today.

For more information, visit Synq or connect with us on X.